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Alberta PC leader candidate Jason Kenney challenged on all sides by unity plan



Candidate Jason Kenney (Pictured) found himself fending off attacks from the other three candidates who say his plan to merge with the right-leaning Wildrose party is cynical and shortsighted folly. (Photo: Jason Kenney/ Facebook)

Candidate Jason Kenney (Pictured) found himself fending off attacks from the other three candidates who say his plan to merge with the right-leaning Wildrose party is cynical and shortsighted folly. (Photo: Jason Kenney/ Facebook)

EDMONTON –The gloves came off at the Alberta Progressive Conservatives leadership debate in Edmonton.

Candidate Jason Kenney found himself fending off attacks from the other three candidates who say his plan to merge with the right-leaning Wildrose party is cynical and shortsighted folly.

PC legislature member Richard Starke, while not accusing Kenney by name, told the crowd he will not stand by while Wildrose forces try to infiltrate the party and destroy it.

Former PC legislature member Stephen Khan says unity is a contrived and hollow promise that will instead end the progressive party created by former premier Peter Lougheed.

Calgary lawyer Byron Nelson says Kenney’s belief that a merged conservative movement will end vote splitting is too simplistic and will instead result in another win for Premier Rachel Notley’s NDP.

Kenney, however, says unity is critical because it is imperative to dethrone an NDP government he says is doing great damage to the economy.

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