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PBBM invites Filipinos to watch his 1st SONA



President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

FILE: President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. at the PSG Grandstand in Malacañang Park. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT

MANILA – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is inviting Filipinos to watch him deliver his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 25 at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City.

Marcos made the call in the caption of a video montage posted in his official Facebook page showing his journey from the presidential campaign to his inauguration and in carrying out presidential duties at Malacañan Palace.

“Nalalapit na ang ating pinaka-unang State of the Nation Address. Samahan niyo po ako at pakinggan ang estado ng ating bansa at ang mga plano at mithiin natin bilang isang sambayanan para sa mga susunod na taon (Our very first State of the Nation Address is approaching. Join me and listen to the state of our country and our plans and goals as a people for the coming years),” he said.

In the comment section, netizens sent good luck wishes and expressed anticipation to watch the President’s report on the state of the country and the government’s agenda for the year.

“Good luck po sa SONA sir (on your SONA)…Always remember that your success is the success of the Filipino people. We trust you fully. God bless [and] stay healthy na po,” said Marianne Criselda Garcia Arpilleda.

Another netizen said she would be watching from abroad despite being in a different time zone from the Philippines.

“I won’t miss it for the world. I will definitely be watching from my home in Aurora, Colorado. May God bless and guide you always, my beloved President. You’re always in my prayers, that’s for sure,” Luchie Advincula Paza-Hover said.

Another said he would treat the SONA as his “rest day” despite being slated on a Monday.

“Yes, I will consider this as my rest day just to watch the 1st SONA of President [Marcos],” Conrad Napalit said.

According to the Official Gazette, the SONA is a constitutional obligation, required under Article VII, Section 23 of the 1987 Constitution: “[T]he President shall address the Congress at the opening of its regular session.”

Article VI, Section 15 also prescribes that the Congress “shall convene once every year on the fourth Monday of July for its regular session.”

The House of Representatives has authorized full capacity for Marcos’ first SONA on July 25 amid the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic.

House Secretary-General Mark Llandro Mendoza earlier said roughly 1,200 people will be allowed entry to Congress including 300 congress members, 24 senators, and members of the diplomatic corps.

This would be the first time that Congress will be allowed at full capacity since 2019. Former president Rodrigo Duterte held his last two SONAs in a mixed live and virtual setup due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

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  1. Carl Kenneth Balita

    July 20, 2022 at 8:07 AM

    PBBM should focus on poverty and inflation. Continuous price hike for Diesel and gasoline are not helpful to Filipino people, “pabababin ang presyo Ng bigas” mas mauuna pa tumaas ang presyo Ng itlog. Let’s see what the new administration can do with these problems that we are facing, not to metion that covid-19 is still triggering it’s new variant. There are lots of challenges that PBBM are going to face and mustbe fix. Looking forward for a peaceful and smooth leadership.

  2. Ma Teth Belmin

    July 20, 2022 at 8:36 AM

    Karapatan nating mga PILIPINO na mapakinggan at malaman kung anong mga nakalaang plano at hakbang ng bagong administrasyon para sa ating bansa at sa mga problemang kinakaharap natin lalo at malaki ang naging epekto ng pandemya sa ating ekonomiya.Subaybayan natin ang buong report sa bayan ni Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos at ipagdasal na maisakatuparan lahat nang naipangako nila nung nakaraang Eleksyon na makatulong sa lahat ng mamamayan at gawing prayoridad ang ating bansa.

  3. Judith Lovendino

    July 20, 2022 at 1:34 PM

    Hindi ko siya binoto ngunit manonood ako neto dahil gusto kong marinig mismo sa kanyang bibig kung anong plano nya sa patong patong na problema at utang ng bansa. Dahil mula ng tumakbo siya wala naman siya nilatag na plataporma bukod sa UNITY. It’s about time na i-prove nya sa aming mga hindi pabor sa kanya na nagkakamali kami. Hopeful ako sa magiging resulta ng kanyang unang SONA at masasagot at matutugunan niya ang mga IMPORTANTENG ISSUE AT PROBLEMA ng bansa.

  4. Mark Christian Dizon

    July 20, 2022 at 3:41 PM

    Sana pagtuunan ng pansin ni PBMM ang ekonomiya ng bansa. The economy of our country is devastating, sana magkaroon ng plano na pabor sa lahat yung walang maagrabiyado. Kaya let us all listen on how he govern our country.

  5. Gia Lou

    July 20, 2022 at 5:14 PM

    Given that the epidemic has had a significant impact on our economy, we Filipinos have a right to hear about and be aware of the plans and initiatives the new administration has for our nation and the issues we face. Let’s read the entirety of President Ferdinand’s report on the city. Marcos, and I pray that they keep their promises made during the last election to assist everyone and put our nation first. The Filipino people are not helped by the constant price increases for diesel and gasoline; the price of rice will reduce before it increases for eggs. I wish that the new government can do to address the issues we are facing, that there are numerous issues that PBBM will encounter and need to resolve.

  6. Jam Aguirre

    July 20, 2022 at 5:26 PM

    I hope that we can hear its platform and his plans for the country so that we know if we have bright future with his power. I hope that his Sona won’t disappoint us and be cleared on what path he takes because we voted him for the great of this country and not for his own sake.

  7. Darlynz Gomez

    July 20, 2022 at 7:47 PM

    i believe the address itself will be very simple as there is really nothing impressive in between his ears. do i need to say he can’t even construct a single sentence without uttering senseless fillers? no coherence at all. but, there is nothing simple in deploying 21k security personnel. it’s all for a show which is a reflection of deep-seated insecurity. what a sorry state of the nation

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