Canada News
Municipal Temporary Face Coverings Bylaw extended into Stage 3
Calgary City Council was updated on the Temporary COVID-19 Face Coverings Bylaw (BYLAW NUMBER 26M2020) requiring face coverings in indoor public premises and public vehicles.
While the Province’s reopening plan is anticipated to have limited provincial requirements for face coverings after Stage 3 (anticipated July 1, 2021), Council has voted to extend the municipal bylaw in the short term but will revisit the COVID-19 outlook again on July 5th to determine whether the bylaw will be repealed.
“We know that some people will find the removal of rules surrounding face coverings too soon, and for others it cannot come soon enough,” said Sue Henry, Chief of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency. “However, extending mandatory face coverings for an additional short period of time will ensure we have time to see more people get fully vaccinated and also allow us to monitor any impact of summer re-openings.”
The City reminds all Calgarians that we are currently in Stage 2 of the Government of Alberta Open for Summer Plan. While this is an exciting step forward, public health orders are still in place and will continue to be enforced for the safety of all until the bylaw is repealed. Failure to wear a face covering where required can result in a penalty of $500 and failure to display prescribed signage can result in a penalty of $200.
More information on the Face Coverings Bylaw is available on