The JVF Productions, a new Toronto-based entertainment show producer presented a well attended stand-up comedy show at the Toronto Pavilion last January 12th, 2019, Saturday. The...
Every Filipino who lives abroad could have his own tale of witnessing fellow Pinoys squabbling or must have heard about in-fighting in local organizations. Factionalism, they...
By a quick stroke of an enchanted wand, all roads led to Toronto’s TD Pavilion as One Magical Night brought the curtains up to this glittering...
20th Anniversary of Mabuhay Philippines Festival Date: August 25 & 26, 2018 Venue: Nathan Philippines Square, Toronto City Hall Guests: Martin Nievera for the TFC Segment; Kenneth Barlis,...
Thousands joined in the celebrations of Filipino arts and culture, community and cuisine at last month’s Edmonton Filipino Fiesta. The Fiesta, now in its third year,...
Vaughan Fiesta Extravaganza 2018, presented by MCBN Media Group and Filipino-Canadian Association of Vaughan, in cooperation with TFC, was held last June 23 and 24, at...
Toronto — A tradition that has long been a practice with a purpose, the Philippine Independence Day Council (PIDC), proudly conducted its 19th annual beauty pageant....
Itinataguyod ng TELUS ang halaga ng pagiging mapagbigay at serbisyo sa kapwa. Kamakailan lang, pinagkalooban ng Asia CEO Awards 2017 ang TELUS International Philippines ng Corporate...
The Canadian Medical Mission Society (CMMS)’s surgical, medical, and dental mission at Governor Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital in Tagbilaran, Bohol, with the cooperation of Lions Club...
We made history together! On November 30, 2017, Councillor Neethan Shan organized a celebration of the declaration of Filipino Heritage Month held at the Scarborough Civic Centre (150...