“The Legal Wife” lead stars Angel Locsin and Jericho Rosales continue to receive recognitions from various award-giving bodies for their respective achievements in movie and...
Super Radyo DZBB 594 khz, the flagship AM radio station of GMA Network has further strengthened its programming with the simultaneous launch of three new...
A Filipino-American nursing student from Daly City, California recently bagged the $45,000 jackpot after having correctly cracked the bonus round puzzle on American TV game show...
TORONTO, ON – DAT’S PUCKING PUNNY : Filipino Comedy Tour (DPP) kicks off live at Yuk Yuks Mississauga on Sunday March 23, 2014 at 8:00pm. Featuring...
Fans of Showtime rejoiced as the noontime show’s hosts reunited on stage after Vhong Navarro’s hiatus from the show. The March 12 episode marked the first time Navarro...
TENINO, Wash. – High school students in the western Washington community of Tenino (Ten-NINE-o) who hatched the idea of endlessly playing a Justin Bieber song to...
Photo: Facebook Page of One Direction HARRISBURG, Pa.–A New Jersey man will spend eight months in federal prison for calling in a phoney bomb threat to...
Photo: Facebook Page of Piers Morgan Live LOS ANGELES—CNN says the prime-time talk show “Piers Morgan Live” is coming to an end. Morgan succeeded Larry King...
Photo: Facebook Page of Nicki Minaj ATLANTA —A former wig designer for rapper Nicki Minaj sued the performer Friday, accusing her of walking away from business...
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—About 45 minutes have been cut from the nearly 3-hour high-finance extravaganza “The Wolf of Wall Street” for Dubai audiences, or a quarter...