The number of schoolchildren affected by COVID-19-related school closures soared by 38 per cent in November, placing significant strain on the learning progress and well-being of...
The health risks posed by COVID-19 mean most Canadian university classes are online this year. As a result, some students will write exams online via remote...
There’s strong pressure on universities to do something about spiralling student mental health problems, but what is best? Lucy* hadn’t quite realised how severe her problems...
This fall, Ontario elementary schools launched a new mathematics curriculum. It was introduced in June by Premier Doug Ford as part of a remedy for a...
The UK government’s 2020 spending review includes a cut in international aid, from 0.7% of gross national income to 0.5%. My research shows that this will...
Christine Whalen has a spirited 5-year-old who started kindergarten in the fall. It’s not going well. Ella gets so bored on Zoom that she quickly squirms,...
Rising COVID cases are derailing plans by school districts across the country to reopen their buildings and pushing some schools that had opened to close once...
Australia is gradually emerging from an unprecedented lockdown, where we continue to face major threats to our health and economy. Schools have acted as shock absorbers...
We’ve long known about spending disparities from one district to another; new federally mandated data lays bare within-district inequities, too At Ronald D. O’Neal Elementary School,...
In the fight for the U.S. presidency, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has positioned protecting students, educators and getting schools open safely with smaller classes amid...