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Cesar dismisses Sandra Seifert pregnancy rumors



Cesar Montano in a concert last year in Vancouver, BC. (Photo by Juvethski/Flickr)

Cesar Montano in a concert last year in Vancouver, BC. (Photo by Juvethski/Flickr)

MANILA – Cesar Montano only disclosed a few words on rumored girlfriend Sandra Seifert’s pregnancy speculations. Montano neither confirmed nor denied the pregnancy.

“Maybe the rumor-monger is the one who’s pregnant,” Montano said in an ambush interview.

Seifert, a former beauty queen, had also remained mum on the issues.

With no official statements from Montano and Seifert, the actor’s sister, Marimer gave clearer answers to questions on the controversial pregnancy.

“However, if the rumor is true, so be it. Cesar is just a human being. Who is not a sinner in this world? The most important thing is if ever the rumors are true, the babies are his,” she said.

“He is one who will just keep quiet to protect his beloved…A few years ago, someone stole a check from him and forged his signature and [used it to pay] somebody. Fortunately, the bank manager phoned Cesar and told him about it. In the end, they discovered who the thief was but it was never taken to court. Instead, Buboy kept quiet about it to protect someone dear to him,” she added, defending her brother for remaining quiet amidst rumors.

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