PCG seeks aid from int’l fund to address Mindoro oil spill
MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has sought the assistance of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPCF) to boost the country’s efforts in cleaning up the oil spill off Naujan town, Oriental Mindoro province.
In a statement on Friday, the PCG said aid from the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPCF) — made up of two intergovernmental organizations, the 1992 Fund and the Supplementary Fund, that provide compensation for oil pollution damage resulting from tanker oil spills — would help speed up the acquisition of remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs).
The ROV Hakuyo was previously used by the Japanese Dynamic Positioning Vessel Shin Nichi Maru to locate the sunken MT Princess Empress and found that all eight of its compartments were leaking industrial oil.
PCG Admiral Artemio Abu also sought assistance from P&I London, a group of protection and indemnity insurance companies for mutual maritime insurance representing global ship owners.
Earlier, Korean Minister Jong Soon Chang and Third Secretary Kim Dosik met with Abu and announced the upcoming arrival of the Korean Coast Guard Response Team and technical experts on March 28.
South Korea has also pledged to ship 20 tons of absorbent pads, 2,000 sets of protective equipment, and a 1,000-meter spill boom by the first week of April.