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DOLE monitoring situation of OFWs in countries with nCoV cases



FILE: Department of Labor and Employment Secretary Silvestre Bello III during a press conference on Thursday (Sept. 27, 2018), which is held at the DOLE main office in Intramuros, Manila.(PNA photo by Gil Calinga)

MANILA — The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) on Thursday said it continues to monitor the situation of Filipino workers in countries with reported cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

In Labor Advisory No. 3 dated January 29, Secretary Silvestre Bello III advised overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) particularly in countries where there are reported cases of the virus to follow guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO).

“To help prevent the spread of the disease, all OFWs are reminded of the following advice from the WHO for tourist and the general public: Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections; frequent hand washing or use alcohol-based hand rub, especially after direct contact with ill people, their environment and before touching the eyes, nose, and mouth; avoid close contact with live or dead farm or wild animals,” Bello said.

OFWs are also advised to avoid crowded places and hospitals, wear face masks if necessary and seek immediate medical attention if they manifest symptoms.

“Let the doctor know if you have traveled to affected areas before disease onset, suspend work and stay at home for rest if recommended by doctors,” it added.

Bello also advised OFWs to report to hospitals and the Philippine Overseas Labor Offices (POLOs) suspected cases of Filipinos with symptoms for them to be given proper medical attention.

“OFWs are also encouraged to monitor all advisories issues by their host government for information and guidance,” he added.

Countries and territories that have confirmed cases of the 2019 nCoV, which originated from Wuhan City in central China, are Cambodia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macau, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, and Vietnam.

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