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Here are 10 ways to celebrate your day, hardworking ladies and gentlemen!



At some point in our lives — either we are just hardworking employees or we are already overworking — we all need to have a breather; we all need to take time off from our jobs and reward ourselves for doing our best in all we are doing. (Shutterstock)

How many of us have skipped meals and spent long hours burning the midnight oil just so we could finish tons of paperwork that we have? How many of us have to work under the scorching heat of the sun or continuing rains while carrying heavy materials or equipment all day and every day to make ends meet? And how many of us have missed a lot of family gatherings, anniversaries, or children event because we were needed at work?

These are only a few of the things we sacrifice to provide for our families, as well as for our passion and dreams. Yup, working hard is a good thing, but working too hard by making sacrifices all the time and putting your own health at stake is not. At some point in our lives —  either we are just hardworking employees or we are already overworking — we all need to have a breather; we all need to take time off from our jobs and reward ourselves for doing our best in all we are doing.

And today, diligent men and women is the best time to take a break, as the Philippines honors all Filipino workers on the first day of May a.k.a. the celebration of Labor Day. But since this day falls between two working days, which are Tuesday and Thursday, having a vacation out of town is probably out of the list. Still, you can have a ‘staycation’ and below are some suggestions that you might wanna try to do:


  1. Hit the hay

This is one of the best rewards you can give to yourself without having to spend a single dime. After days of waking up early and surviving a whole work day, it is now your turn to finally catch up on some sleep, rest your eyes, hug your pillows, and dream of better days. No words can truly describe how it feels good to be finally glued on your bed all day without the need to turn on your alarm clock.


  1. Eat a lot

For sure, many of us at times do not realize that it is past lunch /dinner time because we are too busy accomplishing our to-do-list. Some even skip breakfast. We can barely remember when we had our last meal or snack; we would not know that we needed food if our stomach does not scream “feed me” to us. So to make up with our bellies, we must treat ourselves with good food; either you go to a restaurant or try out those recipes you have been dying to cook for a while now. Make sure that you eat your food slowly and deliberately, and most importantly, savor every luscious bite of it.


  1. Binge-watch

Holidays like this bring out our inner couch potato. Days like this are the only time we can lessen our long list of “movies to watch” and catch up on our favorite television series that we always forgot to watch because we have been too busy with the demands of life. Do not waste any second — go grab your snacks and drinks and binge-watch those all the way through!


  1. Bond with the family

More than being rest days, holidays are, of course, time for our family. Detach yourself from anything work-related, then reconnect and strengthen your intimate bond with your family through playing board or video games, eating together, having a karaoke party, sharing stories, cleaning the house, and a lot more. Let’s admit it, although we hang out with our friends or colleagues to refresh ourselves and have a good laugh, still, nothing can beat the feeling of coming home to our parents, wife or husband, and children after a long and tiring day at work.


  1. Play with your pet/s

When we say family members, obviously, pets won’t be out of the frame. If you are a pet parent, you might as well want to spend lots of quality time with your furbabies. Make up for the time and attention that you were not able to give them these past few days by taking them out for walk, grooming them, playing while you train them, or having a quiet time together. Today is another opportunity for you to create more ‘pawsome’ memories with your pets.


  1. Shop till you drop

While many would choose to stay at home, some of us, however, find relaxation and inner peace at the mall, surrounded by shops; the merchandise waiting to be bought. Sometimes, it is good to treat yourself some nice bits from your favorite shops and buy that thing you have been eyeing on for a while because after all, you have worked hard for it and you have earned it.


  1. Pamper yourself

Forget those seemingly endless obligations. ‘De-stress’ yourself by going to a spa to relieve the tension that beat up your body. Get that full body massage! You might as well spoil yourself at a hair salon, get a trim or a perm, have a mani pedi, and feel like a new person — just be sure that you give yourself the self-care you deserve after everything you have been through.


  1. Workout

Whether you intend to lose weight and build muscles or not, exercising your body is still a must, especially if your work requires you to sit down on your office chair and in front of your desk for at least eight hours a day; you really have to flex and warm up those muscles. So start your much-appreciated rest day, perhaps, with stretching, to walking, long slow jogging, and to sprinting. Sometimes a workout is needed to get that satisfying relaxing feeling.


  1. Exercise your brain

Raise your hands if you have ever tried to focus at work but you felt so overwhelmed that you could not get it all together; you just went blank. Well then, guess it’s best for you to exercise not only your body but also your brain through reading books, playing games that make you think, strategize, and remember information (like Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and chess), writing essays or journals, or just find a peaceful place and meditate. Listening to your favorite music can also be of help; it is actually the easiest way to do a brain workout and cope with stress.


  1. Organize your stuff

Can your room still be recognized as a “room?” Or it can be compared to a dumpsite? If it is the latter, then guess it is time for you to get organized. From folding your clothes, to keeping your drawers tidy, to sweeping the floor, and to taking a mountain of garbage out of your room — yes, it is going to be a chore to do all these and it can be a daunting task to some, but being organized can make our lives easier and in order. And who knows? You might find lots of buried treasures from long ago like old photos or letters, but the best type to find is money or gift cards you have forgotten about. It feels as if you struck gold!


Having a break does not mean we are neglecting our duties and responsibilities as part of the country’s workforce. We all, including your boss and customers, need to have a rest day sometimes to remind ourselves that we have a life outside work and to refrain ourselves from being burned out that cannot only wreak havoc on our job performance, but also on our health, relationships, and happiness.

So leave every work-related stuff behind for a while and do not waste your holiday. Enjoy the taste of freedom and make sure to have a blessed relaxing day today!

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