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U of T issues trespass notice to pro-Palestinian encampment



Occupants of a pro-Palestinian encampment on the main campus of the University of Toronto are pictured on May 24, 2024 — the day a deadline to dismantle is set to expire. (Evan Mitsui/CBC) PHOTO: RADIO-CANADA / EVAN MITSUI

Demonstrators have now been given until Monday at 8 a.m. to leave

As it said it would, the University of Toronto issued a trespass notice to a pro-Palestinian encampment at 4 p.m. Friday.

Those gathered at the encampment now have until Monday at 8 a.m. to leave, before the school pursues consequences under University policies and the law.

Potential academic consequences include a five-year suspension or expulsion.

Occupying the King’s College Circle has been and remains unauthorized, said U of T in a news release announcing the trespass notice had been issued.

The fundamental principle of inclusion — one that extends to physical space on our campuses — has been violated, the university statement said.

On Thursday afternoon, U of T president Meric Gertler gave protesters 24 hours to accept the school’s latest offer and dismantle the encampment or the university would issue a trespass notice.

The encampment’s spokespeople responded Friday morning, saying the school has a predetermined outcome in mind when it comes to the demonstration — now in its fourth week.

The latest offer from the U of T administration would not end partnerships with Israeli universities, but it invites students to attend the university’s business board of governing council’s meeting on June 19 to present their demands. It would also establish a working group to consider options for disclosure and increased transparency of investments.

That is an ultimatum, said encampment organizer Kalliopé Anvar McCall, a fourth-year U of T student in diaspora studies, at a news conference at the encampment Friday morning.

They’re trying to force us to accept these outrageous terms by threatening to clear us out at the same time.

WATCH | Pro-Palestinian organizers reject U of T offer:

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Student organizers representing the pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Toronto rejected the school administration’s latest offer. As CBC’s Chris Glover reports, the university has said it will issue a trespass notice if the offer isn’t accepted by 4 p.m. Friday.

Dozens of students, staff and faculty have been occupying a green space at King’s College Circle on the university’s St. George Campus in downtown Toronto since May 2. They’ve set up tents and canopies in solidarity with other encampments at universities throughout North America, calling for an end to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Fourth-year undergrad and encampment spokesperson Erin Mackey speaks to reporters in a pro-Palestinian encampment on the main campus of the University of Toronto on May 24, 2024.

Fourth-year undergrad and encampment spokesperson Erin Mackey speaks to reporters in a pro-Palestinian encampment on the main campus of the University of Toronto on May 24, 2024. PHOTO: RADIO-CANADA

U of T Occupy for Palestine is calling for the post-secondary institution to reveal a complete list of its endowment’s investments and divest from assets that sustain Israeli apartheid, occupation and illegal settlement of Palestine.

They are also demanding the school cut ties with Israeli academic institutions that operate within the occupied West Bank, which the university has said more than once it will not do.

Organizers criticized the university for its negotiation tactics — particularly, speaking to media outlets, including CBC Radio’s Metro Morning, rather than directly with U of T Occupy for Palestine.

It’s not 4 p.m. yet, said student Erin Mackey, a spokesperson for U of T Occupy for Palestine, at the news conference. We are still trying to figure out what our next steps are.

She also said: We will continue to be here.

Division over campus safety

On Metro Morning Friday, Gertler said he hopes protesters will see what we’re putting on the table here is a very fair and considered offer.

Nothing is more fundamental in many ways to our society than the right to protest, he said, but we have to balance some other rights, particularly rights of inclusion.

The tension that has been generated by the continued presence of the encampment has reached a point where we feel now is the time to end the encampment, he said.

As of Thursday, Gertler said the university had received 38 reports of harassment, discrimination and hateful speech and hateful actions as a result of the encampment.

Hillel Ontario, a group that advocates on behalf of Jewish students, raised concerns when the protest first began (new window) about demonstrators chanting, All the Zionists are racists and chalk on the ground reading Go back to Europe.

The university has an obligation to make sure its campus is safe for all students, said Jay Solomon, Hillel Ontario’s chief advancement officer.

Students are feeling uncomfortable, they’re feeling unsafe and they’re looking for the university to take some action, he said from nearby the encampment on Friday.

The fact that the university is even negotiating with this group is problematic, Solomon said.

Mackey, meanwhile, told reporters that in her 23 days in the encampment the only time I felt unsafe is when there are agitators who come here with the intention of being and saying incredibly horrific things to our Jewish students who are here.

If the university wants to clear the encampment, Mackey said officials can meet the protesters’ demands.

The fact that U of T is willing to call the Toronto police on this encampment — or threaten so, in this current moment — says a lot about where they’re at, that they are unwilling to stop funding a genocide, stop investing in bombs and instead call police on their own students.

Speaking on Metro Morning, Gertler said the university is doing our level best to avoid police involvement.

In a news release Friday afternoon, Amnesty International Canada said it is gravely concerned by the trespass notice.

Law enforcement, if called to the encampment, must prioritize the protection and facilitation of the rights to peaceful protest and free expression, it said.

CBC News with files from Metro Morning, Muriel Draaisma, Tyler Cheese, Vanessa Balintec, The Canadian Press

This article is republished from RCI.

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