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Toronto Public Health investigating second travel-related measles case of 2024



Nurse Pushing a Wheelchair on Hospital Hallway

The public may have been exposed to measles on March 11 while attending a magic show held at the Agincourt Public Library (155 Bonis Ave.) between 1 and 5:30 p.m. (Pexels photo)

Toronto Public Health (TPH) is investigating the second lab-confirmed measles case in Toronto this year. The case is an infant who recently returned from travel and is recovering at home.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that can spread easily to others. Vaccination is usually given at 12 months and between four to six years of age. Anyone who has not had two doses of a measles vaccine such as the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine or has not had measles in the past is at risk of infection.

The public may have been exposed to measles on March 11 while attending a magic show held at the Agincourt Public Library (155 Bonis Ave.) between 1 and 5:30 p.m.

TPH advises anyone who believes they may have been exposed to the measles virus at Agincourt Library to do the following:

1. Check vaccination record to ensure you are protected from measles
Those born before 1970 are considered immune as measles was widely circulating at that time. However, those unsure if they had a previous measles infection are encouraged to get one dose of the MMR vaccine for protection. Anyone born in 1970 or later requires two doses of a measles vaccine or proof of immunity through a blood test. Those unsure of their vaccination status are asked to contact their healthcare provider by phone or e-mail.

2. Monitor for symptoms until April 1
Symptoms can include a high fever, cold-like symptoms, cough, runny nose, small spots with white centres which appear inside the mouth, sore eyes, sensitivity to light and a red blotchy rash lasting four to seven days. Remain watchful for symptoms even if vaccinated against measles. Do not attend work or school and seek medical care if symptoms arise. Call ahead to clinics for precautionary measures and testing. Follow medical advice promptly for proper care and containment.

All Ontarians are eligible for free measles vaccination. School-aged children can catch up on their routine vaccinations by booking an appointment with their primary healthcare provider of by attending a TPH community clinic (opens in new window). The vaccine is free for adults through primary care and some walk-in clinics.

More information is available on the Toronto Public Health measles webpage.

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