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PBBM to DHSUD, NHA: Hasten housing turnover to Yolanda survivors



LESSONS FROM YOLANDA. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. delivers his speech during the opening ceremony of the Visayas leg of the 2023 Handa Pilipinas at the Summit Hotel in Tacloban City on Wednesday (Nov. 8, 2023). Marcos emphasized the importance of giving local government units access to technological innovations for disaster risk reduction and management developed and supported by the Department of Science and Technology. (PNA photo by Alfred Frias)

MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday instructed the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) and the National Housing Authority (NHA) to fast-track the awarding of housing units to victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda.

During the 10th year commemoration of the typhoon’s landfall at the Tacloban City Convention Center, Marcos said the work is not yet done, considering that many Yolanda survivors continue to await government’s assistance.

“So, we have engaged the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development and the National Housing Authority to accelerate the provision of housing units and land titles to our beneficiaries,” Marcos said.

During the event, Marcos attended a holy mass for Yolanda victims and led the distribution of housing titles to thousands of beneficiaries of the NHA’s Yolanda Permanent Housing Sites.

Marcos thanked national and local leaders, the private sector, international and local organizations, volunteers and donors for their contributions to ensure the recovery and rebuilding of Yolanda-hit areas.

He also lauded the Tacloban City government for its efforts to strengthen the locality’s disaster resiliency.

He called on the Yolanda Response Clusters to work closely with concerned local governments to address the lingering issues of the different affected communities.

“Ten years have gone by and yet the memory of this tragedy remains indelible in our hearts and in our thoughts,” Marcos said. “Let us continue to work hard so that we can provide them with the tools and the resources to rebuild their lives.”

Disaster preparedness

Marcos ensured that the government is working hard to avoid a repeat of the Yolanda tragedy.

He said the construction of “disaster-resilient” evacuation centers and emergency operations centers will continue.

He also noted that a “more centralized and efficient” early warning systems, incident command systems, and disaster response strategies are currently in place.

Marcos added that new technologies such as GeoRiskPH and PlanSmart are being developed to save lives in times of emergency.

“It is also crucial to be reminded that climate change will keep exacerbating the impact of natural disasters. As I have said, we must make climate change a vital component of our national policies,” he said.

“We must make sure that we apply our knowledge on climate change to every plan, to every decision, and initiative so we can build stronger and more resilient communities,” Marcos added.

Remembering the dead

Marcos also enjoined Yolanda survivors to continue offering prayers for those who died during the onslaught of the typhoon.

“And to this day, we still do not know the true scope of our loss because we grieve and we mourn those of our dead. But we must always keep a special place in our hearts for those who we lost, who are uncounted, who are unrecorded so that up to now we say 6,000 casualties, we do not know that for sure. We are certain that there were more but for whatever reason their deaths have not been recorded,” he said.

“So, even if that is the case, let them not be unremembered. So, when we grieve and when we mourn for our dead, keep a special place in your heart for those who have not been known to have gone but we know in our hearts, we know the loss that we feel. Let us always pray for them.”

Land titles commitment for secured future

Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez joined President Marcos during the distribution of land titles to beneficiaries rendered homeless by Super Typhoon Yolanda.

“This is not merely a piece of paper. It represents our commitment to providing a stable and secure future for our people. It symbolizes hope, permanence, and the dream of every resident of Tacloban to have a place they can genuinely call home,” Romualdez said.

He said the distribution of land titles is also “a significant milestone in our journey to build and uplift our community” from the widespread devastation of Yolanda.

“A decade has passed, but the memories of that fateful day remain etched in our hearts and minds,” he added.

Romualdez recalled that he “witnessed firsthand the sorrow and loss that overwhelmed our community.”

“Yet, amidst the rubble and tears, I also saw the indomitable spirit of our people. I witnessed neighbors helping neighbors, strangers becoming family, and a nation rallying together to rise again,” he said.

Romualdez appealed to his constituents that as they commemorate Yolanda, “let us also celebrate the resilience, unity, and hope that have defined our recovery journey.”

“The road has been challenging, but with each passing year, our collective strength and determination grow even more evident,” he said.

“It is my solemn pledge to serve relentlessly and do everything in my power for the welfare and progress of our people, ensuring that we are better prepared and more resilient for any future challenges,” he said.

Romualdez also paid tribute to thousands of people who died during the onslaught of the super typhoon.

“Today, let us also pause to remember those we lost, honor the heroes who emerged in the aftermath, and express our gratitude for the countless blessings we have received. Our story is one of triumph over adversity, and as we continue on this journey, let’s carry the legacy of Yolanda as a testament to the unyielding spirit of our people,” he said.

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