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Select Filipino Canadian BC artists reflect on what sustained them through the pandemic



Poster for Pagtitipon 2022

(Supplied Photo)

Pagtitipon 2022 

August 9 – 14, 2022 

Exhibition Hall, Roundhouse Community Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC Reception: August 10, 2022 – 6:00 pm. Private event, by invitation only 

Contacts: or

As restrictions began to lift after 2+ years of global pandemic, The Filipino Music and Art  Foundation in BC (FMAAFBC) asked local Filipino Canadian artists to reflect on activities that  sustained them through the physical and mental challenges during COVID 19 pandemic lockdown. 

Opening Aug.9, 2022, FMAAFBC, presents Pagtitipon 2022 – A Gathering … an art exhibit of original works by Filipino Canadian artists on what helped them through the pandemic. The show  is a culmination of artistic ideas, thoughts, visions, and experiences by senior and young artists  with shared cultural background.  

Continuing the tradition of previous, highly successful Pagtitipon exhibits, participation is by  invitation. In 2015 and 2019, artists with Filipino heritage were invited from Canada, New York,  and the Philippines. This year, 2022, exclusive focus is given to Filipino Canadian artists residing in  British Columbia. The 10 selected artists are Danvic Briones, Paulina Constancia, Tessie Dichupa,  Charlie Frenal, Kiana Hipolito, Edgardo S. Lantin, Lenore RS Lim, Chito Maravilla, Esmie Gayo  McLaren, and Broderick Wong. 

In conversation with the artists, Pagtitipon 2022 reflects on the challenges of interruption,  alienation, and hope during the pandemic. Through different mediums, the exhibit illuminates the  struggle of each artist in a world that is constantly adjusting to a new normal. Artist and inventor,  Danvic Briones, cites aggravation for the manufacturing interruptions of his inventions, and  dissatisfaction at reaching a plateau in his art. He remembers the frustration with the unrelenting  restrictions as lockdown tightened. “I became disinterested in my art techniques and resulting  works,” he confides, “I wanted to push out!” His solution, “It was time to experiment.”  

View Briones’ experimentations and see what sustained the selected artists through the global  pandemia. Discern how their paintings and installations have evolved in Pagtitipon 2022. 

Artist Talks: August 13 at 2:00 pm 

Pagtitipon 2022 is presented in cooperation with The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver,  Global Pinoy Diaspora Canada, and National Pilipino Canadian Cultural Centre (NPC3). 

For more information: Lenore at or Brod at 

About the Artists: 

  1. Danvic Briones, visual artist, educator; and design innovator, obtained a BFA from the  University of the Philippines. He won Second place at the 2018 FCA 365 Calendar Competition;  Honorable mention at the 2018 FCA Postcard Competition; Second place at the 2016 FCA Postcard  Competition; and Honorable Mention at the Poway Center for Performing Arts, San Diego, CA. He  held solo exhibitions at the Richmond Public Library in 2014, San Diego Center for the Moving Arts  in 2003; and Living Room Café San Diego in 2002. His group exhibitions include “Essence” at the  Embassy of the Philippines in Ottawa; “Scattering and Gathering” at the Roundhouse Exhibition  Hall, Vancouver; “Imaginature” at 5050 Joyce Artspace, Vancouver; “Pagtitipon” at Roundhouse  Exhibition Hall, Vancouver, at the Federation of Canadian Artists in Granville Island; and at the  Philippine Center Gallery in New York. 


  1. Paulina Constancia (b. 1970) is a multifaceted Filipino – Canadian naïve artist best known for  her bright-coloured, whimsical narratives painted on quilts and tiles that are also reflected in her  writing. She is essentially a communicator and central to all her creations is the message of LOVE for self and others; of solitude and communion; of nature and life’s simple joys. Paulina has  exhibited her art in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Greece,  Poland, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Mexico & in various cities in the U.S.A. and Canada. A  permanent collection of her art may be viewed at the Museum of Naïve Art (MoNA) and the  Museum of Bicycling (MoB) both in Cebu, Philippines. 


  1. Tessie Dichupa obtained a BFA from the University of the Philippines and studied painting in  Madrid, Spain. She was art teacher at the De La Salle and the International School in Manila. She  was president of the Philippine Art Educators Association. She received an Award of Excellence in  a juried exhibition of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Her exhibitions in the Philippines include  those at the Finale Art File, Sining Kamalig, and the Lopez Museum, and in Canada at the  Richmond Art Center and Burnaby Arts Council. She was Artist-in-Residence at the Art Cultural &  Education Summer Institute, Simon Fraser University in 2004. She is featured in the book: Thelma  Kintanar & Sylvia Mendez Ventura, SELF PORTRAITS – Filipina Artists Speak: Ateneo de Manila  University 2004. 
  2. Charlie Frenal is a multi-award-winning Filipino – Canadian artist whose artworks are inspired by  the beauty of nature and culture. He is an architect by profession in the Philippines. In 2021, he  won First Prize in Annual International Mail-In Art Exhibition with his Filipino-inspired painting  “New Day” (Bagong Umaga) at Federation of Canadian Artists. He also received Honourable  Mention Award in FCA’s Water Exhibition with his work “My Cup Runneth Over”. In 2009, he  finished in Top 10 Finalists at GSIS Nationwide Painting Competition in Manila. In 2019, he  exhibited his work “Malakas at Maganda” (Strong and Beautiful) at Kamloops Museum and in  2021, “Mariang Makiling” (Philippine Mountain Goddess) at Filipino Canadian Art Museum. He  and his family emigrated to Canada in 2012. He studied Engineering Design Technology in SAIT, 

Calgary. He took up Watercolour course at New York Academy of Art. He is currently studying in  BCIT and pursuing his Architectural career in British Columbia. 


  1. Kiana Hipolito is an interdisciplinary artist, illustrator and graphic designer  from Vancouver, on the unceded Coast Salish Territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil Waututh peoples. Kiana obtained her BFA in illustration from Emily Carr University of Art and  Design in 2018, which includes her studies at Falmouth University (United Kingdom) in 2017. She  currently works as a social media coordinator at the Richmond Art Gallery as well as Canadian Art  Prints and Winn Devon Group Inc. as a graphic designer and marketing coordinator in addition to  her art and design practices. Kiana is also on the current board of directors for the Vancouver  Asian Heritage Month Society (VAHMS) and is the co-curator for the Interconnected Project,  showcasing Asian Canadian artists. 

Kiana’s use of texture and colour within her work often narrates themes of (mis)communication,  cultural identity and shared diasporic experience observed in communities present in North  America. Kiana also enjoys also illustrating for young readers, often creating colour works inspired  by the nature of the Pacific Northwest, and the curiosities hiding in plain sight. 


  1. Edgardo S. Lantin obtained a BFA from the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines. He  worked as a graphic artist before immigrating to Canada in 1981. Pursuing his passion for portrait  painting, he studied under a scholarship at the Art Students League and at the New York Academy  of Art. He believes that “a portrait goes beyond the outward appearance and captures the  subject’s essential presence. Through spiritual bonding with my subject, I absorb details to create  a multi-dimensional figure boasting of life and drama.” A multi-awarded contemporary realist  painter, Lantin is highly respected and recognized for painting portraits of dignitaries and high profile personalities. His honors include Grand Prize at the Painting on the Edge, Federation of  Canadian Artists and Best Portfolio at the Art of the Portrait Conference, Portrait Society of  America. 


  1. 7. Lenore RS Lim obtained a BFA from the University of the Philippines. She studied Printmaking at  the School of Visual Arts in New York. Lenore continually seeks out new printmaking processes,  rediscovers lost techniques, and combines abstract and representational imageries. Her work,  which has been shown in many world capitals and has been acquired by a number of significant  collectors, simultaneously bespeaks a deep mastery of technique and a beacon for creativity. She  received a grant from the prestigious Jackson Pollock /Lee Krasner Foundation. She was given the  University of the Philippines Outstanding Professional Award for Fine Arts and the Pamana ng  Pilipino Award, a presidential award for Filipinos overseas who brought the country honor and  recognition through excellence and distinction in the pursuit of their profession. 


  1. 8. Chito Maravilla Chito was an art director in Manila for 14 years before he & his family migrated  to Canada in 2002. He currently works as a full-time graphic designer at Smartfilms where he 

creates for various commercial and corporate institutions. One of his recent designs is a mural at  the BC Children’s Hospital.  

Outside the corporate commercial work designs, Maravilla works part-time as a painter. To  highlight his talent as an emerging artist, his works were displayed at venues such as the  Vancouver International Airport, Surrey Art Centre, Surrey Art Gallery, Lipont Centre in Richmond,  a playground at Guildford Mall and a mural at a Khalsa school in Surrey. In 2018, two of his art  installation designs were awarded by the City of Surrey and were built in 2019 for Maple Green  Park. 

Chito is an Active Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA), Society of Philippine  American Artists (SPAA) and the Arts Council of Surrey. 


  1. Esmie Gayo McLaren received her artistic training through Emily Carr University after obtaining  a BSc Biology/ Psychology from University of Alberta. Using oil, acrylic, or watercolour, she paints  scenes of everyday life through an emotive use of color and light. Her awards include Best of Show  

and Excellence in Figurative Work. In 2022, McLaren received the Vancouver Asian Heritage  Month Society’s Recognition Award for connecting communities through her art. She is a  member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, Society of Philippine American Artists, and the  International Watercolor Society. Select group exhibits include Fabriano en Acquarello (Italy),  Kosovo National Museum, Richmond Art Gallery, Surrey Art Gallery, Kamloops Art Gallery,  Cityscape Art Space (North Vancouver), Roundhouse Exhibition Hall (Vancouver), and Philippine  Embassy (Ottawa). Her 2018 solo show was in New York City. Additionally, McLaren is passionate  about connecting communities, human condition, nature, and travel. She is represented by  Jeunesse Gallery of Fine Arts. 


  1. Broderick Wong – Watercolor artist/online instructor. Broderick has a degree in Marketing  Management from De La Salle University and had made much of his career in Training, Learning  and Development. In 2015, watercolors became his passion. His art has allowed him to be. Present  in the moment. He hopes that his art can convey this feeling each time it is viewed. Some of the  recognitions he had earned are: Third Place at the 2020 FCA Postcard Competition; First Place,  Masters Category, Grand Prix of Art Plein Air Competition, 2018 (Richmond, BC); First Place,  Harmony Arts Festival Plein Air Competition 2015 (West Vancouver). Some of His group  exhibitions include: Fabriano in Acquarello 2022 (Bologna, Italy), International Watercolor Society  Biennial 2020 (Pristina, National Museum of Kosovo), How Green Is Your Muse 2019 (Surrey Arts  Gallery) and Tonality 2019 (Ferry Building, West Vancouver). 

Website:, About the Presenter: 

The Filipino Music and Art Foundation in B.C. is committed to promoting appreciation and  understanding of fine arts in the community at large, and to enhancing the public exposure of the  Filipino artists it supports.

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