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Electoral College affirms Biden’s victory



Biden was deemed the winner of the White House race on Nov. 7, four days after Election Day, when successive media outlets declared him the victor after he surpassed the 270-vote threshold. (File photo: Joe Biden/Facebook)

WASHINGTON – The US Electoral College on Monday affirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory over outgoing President Donald Trump.

Biden surpassed the necessary 270-vote threshold as electors met in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to cast their votes in line with the electoral results in their territories.

With Hawaii the sole state yet to cast its votes, Biden stands at 302 while Trump holds 232, according to multiple reports. Biden is expected to add Hawaii’s four votes to his column for an expected final tally of 306.

While it is possible for a candidate to secure the presidency while losing the popular vote, as Trump did in 2016, this year Biden surpassed Trump’s total by some 7 million votes.

The Electoral College convening is usually a little-noticed formality and is a largely procedural step on the way to Inauguration Day. But Trump’s refusal to concede and repeated baseless charges of widespread voter fraud gave it extra importance this year.

The next procedural step will take place on Jan. 6 when Congress convenes in a rare joint session to formally tally the Electoral College’s votes.

Biden was deemed the winner of the White House race on Nov. 7, four days after Election Day, when successive media outlets declared him the victor after he surpassed the 270-vote threshold.

The incoming president is expected to deliver remarks later Monday evening.

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