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Young boy who saved his sister from dog attack applauded by Marvel’s ‘Avengers’



Some could have gotten themselves out of danger, but not this brave six-year-old boy who literally threw himself into it to protect someone who needs saving.

Bridger Walker might not be equipped with a suit, have a superpower, nor be skilled as others to beat an aggressive enemy, but these things did not stop him from rescuing his beloved little sister from a charging dog.

Perhaps securing his sister’s safety was the only thing he had on his mind on July 9 that Bridger risked his own life when he stood between his sister and the dog; which resulted in him being bitten several times on the face and head. Despite obtaining injuries from the attack, Bridger managed to grab his sister’s hand and ran with her away from the dog.

The fact that Bridger jumped in to save his sister only shows how a protective, caring, and loving brother he is and that he has a heart of a hero who is willing to put others’ safety before him. His heroic act was shared by his aunt, Nikki, in an Instagram post, where she quoted her nephew as saying, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.” This garnered a lot of praise from the public and even some well-known personalities, including the popular superhero team — the Avengers. 

Commenting on Nikki’s post, actor Mark Rufallo, who played the role of Bruce Banner or Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, said he “truly respects” and “admires” Bridger for his bravery.

“Real courage isn’t dominating people or fighting against people or walking around like a tough guy. Real courage is knowing what is right to do and doing it even when it might end up hurting you somehow,” Mark said.

“You are more of man than many, many I have seen or known,” he added.

Brie Larson, who played the role of Captain Marvel, also reached out to Bridger’s family through sending them a direct message, while actor Jeremy Renner, also known as Hawkeye, told the child, “The first avenger. What fortitude and heart.”

Nikki also shared a video of his nephew watching the video message sent by Chris Evans, otherwise known as Captain America, who told him that his sister is lucky to have a big brother like him and that his parents must be really proud of having him as their son.

“Pal, you’re a hero, what you did was so brave, so selfless,” Chris said.

“Keep being the man you are, we need people like you. Hang in there, I know recovery might be tough, but based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think there’s much that can slow you down,” he continued, and as a present, the actor told the boy that he will send him an authentic Captain America shield.

Bridger also had a conversation with Spider-Man, who, Bridger’s family confirmed, is his favorite Avenger. The fictional character, played by actor Tom Holland, also praised Bridger, who was wearing a Spider-Man outfit during the call, for what he did and even invited him to the set of Spider-Man 3.

“If you ever want to come to the set and hang out and see the ‘Spider-Man’ suit up close and hang out with us, you’re always welcome. You’ll always be my guest,” Tom offered.

Probably not wanting to be outshined by his teammates, Tony Stark, popularly known as Iron Man, has also had something to say and something more to give to the boy.

Actor Robert Downey, Jr. started his video message by introducing himself as an old friend of Captain America and calling Bridger as a “rockstar.”

“I hear he sent a shield your way. I’m going to do you one better. You call me on your next birthday. I got something special for you,” Robert said.

“By the way, that’s a promise, a promise beats a shield,” he added.

According to Nikki, they celebrated Bridger’s birthday “not too long ago,” so it will take them months before they find out what the actor’s surprise will be.

The incident caused Bridger to have 90 stitches from a plastic surgeon, but Nikki assured that his nephew’s wounds were “looking much better” and that the boy was “in great spirits and his awesome personality is intact.”

The dog’s owners, she said, were also “being kind” to his nephew and his family. She added that they did not feel any resentment following the attack, only an “increase of love between our families.”

She also thanked those who have been sending Bridger messages of encouragement and those who have been wishing to support them financially. Bridger’s family, however, asked that donations should instead be made to Mission 22 and Wounded Warrior Project (WWP), two non-profit organizations that support veterans.

“Once again, everyone’s kindness has meant so much to us. I’m trying to get to all of the messages that I can, but it may take some time,” she said.

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