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Japanese police arrest KyoAni arson suspect



FILE: The remains of the burned down building after the arson, Kyoto Animation Studio 1 (Kyoto) (Photo By L26 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Ten months after the arson attack in Kyoto Animation that killed 36 people, the suspect was arrested by Japanese police after waiting for the latter to be in a stable condition from his burn injuries.

Shinji Aoba, 42, who sustained burns on his face, torso, arms, and legs, was formally arrested by authorities on Wednesday, May 27, for being accused of murder and arson. He was reportedly unconscious for weeks while hospitalized after the police detained him after the incident.

Because of his severe condition and some restrictions caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the police had to wait for months before this arrest. Seen in a television footage, the suspect was strapped to a stretcher as he was being carried into a police station.

Aoba is still recovering but according to NHK’s report, the police have prepared medical treatment facilities at the police station where he was sent to.

On June 18 last year, Aoba allegedly broke into Kyoto Animation’s main studio, scattered gasoline on the ground floor, and set fire to it, a police spokesperson told Agence France-Presse. About 70 people were working inside. 22 women and 14 men, who were mostly in their 20s and 30s died from carbon monoxide poisoning, while 33 people were injured.

As a response to Aoba’s arrest, Kyoto Animation released a statement that it has “nothing to say to the suspect.”

“Our fellow workers whose lives were lost will never come back and the wounds of our colleagues will never be healed,” it said.

This incident sparked grief not only in the animation industry of Japan but also among anime fans locally and internationally.

Kyoto Animation, more known as KyoAni among fans, has produced several popular anime such as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, K-On!!, Clannad, Violet Evergarden, and many more.

Because of this incident, several of the studio’s releases were expectedly affected, with most of its files not saved from the blaze.

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