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Exit polls: Opposition appears to be winning Slovakia vote



Slovaks are voting in parliamentary elections widely expected to unseat the long dominant but scandal-tainted leftist party that governed on an anti-immigration platform. (Pexels Photo)

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Two exit polls suggested that Slovakia’s opposition appears to be winning Saturday’s parliamentary election.

The polls by the Focus and agencies showed the conservative Ordinary People party getting over 25% support while the senior ruling leftist Smer-Social Democracy led by former populist Prime Minister Robert Fico would receive between 13.9 and 14.9%.

The result means Ordinary People would be able to create a majority government with three other centre-right parties and unseat Smer, the country’s long dominant but scandal-tainted party.

In a further blow for Smer, the polls suggested that Fico’s current coalition partners, the ultra-nationalist Slovak National Party and a party of ethnic Hungarians, would not win any seats.

An extreme far-right party whose members use Nazi salutes and which wants Slovakia out of the European Union and NATO seemed to receive between 6.5% – 8.8% support.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story is below.

Slovaks are voting in parliamentary elections widely expected to unseat the long dominant but scandal-tainted leftist party that governed on an anti-immigration platform.

According to the latest polls, a coalition of several centre-right parties is emerging as a favourite to win Saturday’s ballot and form a new government for Slovakia.

The centre-right Ordinary People, led by Igor Matovic, is the front-runner, followed by Smer-Social Democracy, led by populist former Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Matovic, 46, has made fighting corruption and attacking Fico the central tenet of his campaign. An anti-corruption drive has been in the party’s program since he established it 10 years ago. He is ahead in opinion polls with some 19%.

If he wins as predicted, Matovic is the likeliest candidate for prime minister. He is expected to govern with a coalition of the liberal Progressive Slovakia/Together, the conservative For People established by former President Andrej Kiska, and the pro-business Freedom and Solidarity party.

Fico’s Smer has been in power for most of the past 14 years. It gained 28.3% in the last elections in 2016 after campaigning on an anti-migrant ticket. But the party was damaged by political turmoil following the slayings of an investigative journalist and his fiancee and is expected to receive around 15%.

Fico’s current coalition partners, the ultra-nationalist Slovak National Party and a party of ethnic Hungarians, might not win any seats, polls suggest.

In a worrying development, an extreme far-right party whose members use Nazi salutes and which wants Slovakia out of the European Union and NATO is forecast to strengthen its hold in the 150-seat parliament, to become the third most popular party in the country of just under 5.5 million.

The far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia won 8% and 14 seats in Parliament in 2016 and this time might get about 10%.

All other parties have ruled out co-operation with the party that advocates the legacy of the Slovak Nazi puppet WWII state.


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