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No cancellation of US tourist visas, change in policy



MANILA — The United States Embassy in Manila on Monday dismissed as “fraudulent” the reported cancellation of tourist visas for Filipinos.

“The US Embassy in the Philippines is aware of a fraudulent advisory alleging the cancellation/revocation of tourist visas and the suspension of visa applications. These claims are not true,” US Embassy Spokesperson Heather Fabrikant said on Monday.

The embassy said US visa policy in the Philippines “has not changed”. The misinformation supposedly originated from “impostors” claiming to be an official US source.

“The official US Embassy website at and our official social media platforms are the best sources for accurate and current information. To report visa and passport fraud, please email,” Fabrikant said.

A screenshot of the fake advisory circulating online, says the US Department of State ordered the “cancellation of all current and existing B1 and B2 tourist visas” and that “the Embassy shall no longer accept B1 and B2 applications and renewals on Fen. [sic] 15, 2020” due to the 2019-novel coronavirus outbreak.

As of posting, the Philippines reported three 2019-nCoV cases in the country, with several persons under investigation (PUIs) for possible infection at 261.

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