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Duterte’s New Year wish is ‘lasting peace’ in PH



FILE: President Rodrigo Roa Duterte at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila on December 20, 2019. REY BANIQUET/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

MANILA –– Nearly a week before the entire nation welcomes 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte expressed hope that Filipinos would continue to enjoy a “comfortable life” and feel “lasting peace”, Malacañang said on Friday.

“The President first would like to greet all Filipinos a happy and prosperous New Year,” Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said in an interview with Palace reporters. “His wish at the very inception of his presidency is to serve them and protect them, and to give them comfortable lives and lasting peace.”

Duterte will welcome 2020 with his family at his residence in Davao City.  Panelo said the President would stay home until January 2 next year.

Asked if the President has a New Year’s resolution, Panelo said, “Wala naman. Wala siyang nabanggit (There is none. He has not mentioned any New Year’s resolution).”

About 93 percent of Filipinos are expected to welcome 2020 “with hope,” while only 0.2 percent will face the new year “without hope”, according to the December 3 to 8 survey by private polling firm Pulse Asia.

Earlier Friday, Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar vowed that the Duterte government’s policies and programs that brought success to the country would continue to be implemented next year.

Andanar was also optimistic that 2020 would be “filled with achievements, progress, and prosperity for all of us.”

“As we face new challenges ahead, let us remain steadfast in setting and achieving our goals while keeping in mind how we can be of service to others,” he said.

“Trust also that the PCOO, to complement the administration’s work, will strive harder to continue to communicate these noteworthy services and programs by the government to keep the public informed and involved.”

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