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Locsin on movie ‘Abominable’: Cut nine-dash line scene



CONTROVERSIAL MOVIE. A screenshot from the official trailer of “Abominable” where lead character Yi looks at a map of Asia which shows the Chinese nine-dash line claim and an incomplete image of the Philippines. The controversial movie drew flak from the viewers for showing a scene featuring China’s nine-dash line in the South China Sea. (Courtesy of DreamWorks TV)

MANILA — Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. on Wednesday suggested the removal of a scene in the controversial movie “Abominable”, where China’s nine-dash line in the South China Sea was featured, after it drew flak from viewers.

“Of course they should cut the offending scene which will show our displeasure better than if we unconstitutionally ban it as some suggest. Do cut out crudely,” Locsin said on his official Twitter account.

The movie, which began showing in the Philippines on Oct. 2, is a co-production film by DreamWorks Animation and Shanghai-based Pearl Studio, which tells the story of a teenage girl helping a Yeti reach Mount Everest.

In its official trailer, the lead character, Yi, is seen looking at a map of Asia where dotted lines stretching from China’s southern coast around almost the entire South China Sea are visible.

The dotted lines refer to the so-called nine-dash line, denoting China’s unilateral claim in the strategic waters, earlier invalidated by the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

Locsin, in a series of tweets on Tuesday night, initially called for the “universal boycott” of all DreamWorks production for allowing itself to be used for propaganda.

“For me call a universal boycott of all DreamWorks productions from here on,” he said.

“DreamWorks let itself to be used for propaganda. MTRCB (Movie and Television Review and Classification Board) might have the power to ban, the DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) does not. The public has the power and patriotic duty not to patronize a movie with a message contradicting our territorial claim. Do not watch any DreamWorks production from here on,” he earlier said.

In Vietnam, “Abominable” was blocked shortly after its release following complaints from the viewers.

Vietnam and the Philippines are both claimant states in the strategic waters, which protested the invisible demarcation used by Beijing to refer to its claim.

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