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Pets can now ride in public transport



The LTFRB said it amended a provision in Memorandum Circular No. 2011-004 with Memorandum Circular No. 2019-019, allowing pets to become passengers in public transport. (Pixabay photo)

It ain’t easy for pet parents to bring their babies somewhere far especially when they don’t own a car.

To take their pets with them, it is either they probably will have to ask a friend who has an auto to be their service or hail a cab and do some bargain with the driver. It also might be a little hassle if they choose to take a bus, UV express, or jeepney because some drivers won’t allow your pet to get in the vehicle for certain reasons like one: they can be messy.

But the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LFTRB) made the life of pet owners somehow trouble-free with their good news on Friday, April 26, announcing through a Facebook post that pets are now allowed in public transport effective April 15.

The LTFRB said it amended a provision in Memorandum Circular No. 2011-004 with Memorandum Circular No. 2019-019, allowing pets inside public utility vehicles (PUVs).

Pet parents, however, can only bring their pets only if they are inside carriers or cages. Since there will be other passengers and it can be crowded, pets should be placed at the designated animal compartment of the vehicle.

If there are no passengers, owners can carry their pet as long as they have no foul order and that the owners should maintain cleanliness and sanitation as there will be next riding passengers.

Should the pet cause damage, the owner should shoulder the repair fee, including the cleaning and sanitation of the PUV if necessary.

Lastly, the LTRB said the safety, convenience, and comfort of passengers should not be sacrificed.

The memorandum circular was signed by LTFRB chairman Atty. Martin Delgra III and board members Engr. Ronaldo Corpus and retired general Antonio Gardiola, Jr.

This development was done due to the “public clamor” specifically from the group of pet owners and lovers who consistently appealed to the LTFRB to allow pet animals in the PUVs, the memorandum read.

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