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SWS: Majority of Filipinos satisfied with Duterte administration



FILE: President Rodrigo Roa Duterte interacts with his supporters during the National Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Summit 2018 held at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Convention Center (ACC) in Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga on July 10, 2018. KARL NORMAN ALONZO/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

Majority of Filipinos gave President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration a “very good” satisfaction rating in the second quarter of 2018, the latest survey of Social Weather Stations (SWS) revealed.

The survey, released on Sunday, August 5, found out that of 1,200 survey respondents, 72 percent of them said they are satisfied with the performance of the Duterte administration, while 13 percent of them are dissatisfied, and the remaining 15 percent said they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

According to the SWS, these figures resulted to a net satisfaction rating of +58, which is classified as “very good.” This is the same rating and score the Duterte administration got last March 2018.

The steady net rating of the current administration, the pollster said, was “due to increases in net satisfaction in Mindanao and Balance Luzon, combined with decreases in Metro Manila and Visayas.”

Filipinos’ satisfaction with the performance of the administration stayed “excellent” in Mindanao, a four-point jump from +72 in March 2018 to +76 in June 2018.

It remained “very good” in Balance Luzon and Visayas, from +50 in March 2018 to +54 in June 2018 and from +57 to +56 in the same period, respectively.

The net satisfaction score in Metro Manila, however, dropped by one grade from “very good” to “good,” an 11-point decrease from +58 recorded in March this year to +47 in June 2018.

The terminology for net satisfaction ratings, according to the pollster, is as follows: +70 and above, “excellent”; +50 to +69, “very good”; +30 to +49, “good”; +10 to +29, “moderate”; +9 to –9, “neutral”; –10 to –29, “poor”; –30 to –49, “bad”; –50 to –69, “very bad”; –70 and below, “execrable”.

Admin’s Report Card

Among the 20 specific performance subjects which were rated by the survey respondents, the Duterte administration satisfaction ratings were “very good” on five subjects, “good” on 12, “moderate” on two, and “neutral” on one subject.

The administration received a “very good” score on the following: building and maintenance of public works (+62), reconstructing Marawi City (+55), promoting the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) (+55), helping the poor (+54), and promoting women’s rights (+52).

It got a “good” on protecting human rights (+48), transparency in government activities (+43), having clear policies (+40), fighting terrorism (+39), ensuring that no family will ever be hungry (+39), foreign relations (+39), fighting crimes (+37), ensuring an efficient public transportation system (+36), fulfilling commitments in international treaties (+33), deciding quickly (+33), reconciling with Muslim rebels (+31), and eradicating graft and corruption (+30).

Meanwhile, the government was rated “moderate” on reconciling with communist rebels (+27) and defending Philippine sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea (+20).

Lastly, it got “neutral” on fighting inflation (+1).

The June 2018 Social Weather Survey, done from June 27-30, 2018, used face-to-face interviews with participants aged 18 years old and above nationwide. It also has sampling error margins of plus or minus three percent for national percentages and plus or minus each for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

The pollster said quarterly SWS items on public satisfaction with the general performance of the Duterte administration and its performance on specific subjects are non-commissioned.

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