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DOST exhibit to showcase modern materials



"We have anti-mosquito repellency that one can put on his or her clothing, or on any part of his or her body," Elumba said. (Pixabay photo)

“We have anti-mosquito repellency that one can put on his or her clothing, or on any part of his or her body,” Elumba said. (Pixabay photo)

MANILA — Stain-resistant fabrics, mosquito-repellent textiles, and anti-microbial coats. These are just some of the featured products, particularly smart textile applications, in an exhibit to be staged by the Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) at the World Trade Center in Pasay City on July 17-21.

The PTRI, an attached agency of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), is mounting the exhibit in the observance of the National Science and Technology Week.

In an interview with the Philippine News Agency (PNA) Friday afternoon, PTRI Director Celia Elumba said the agency has a technology to offer for the home, office, and school.

“We have anti-mosquito repellency that one can put on his or her clothing, or on any part of his or her body,” Elumba said. The PTRI will also showcase a stain resistance application, as well as anti-microbial treatment for textiles.

These applications can be applied not just on clothes or textiles, but also on lanyards, throw pillows, and even on some home furniture.

Elumba remarked that the PTRI will display products that applied those technologies. “Because it is the products that the public would appreciate. So they would see what technology can do on these products,” she explained.

“For example, we used a doctor’s coat to feature the anti-microbial application. This technology is very suitable in the hospitals. We also have a mosquito recoil that one could use for nine days and is rechargeable,” Elumba continued.

The PTRI director is encouraging the public to collaborate with the PTRI and adopt these technologies, noting that these are not for sale, even during the event.

“We have these technologies that make lives easier. For example, if you spill coffee on your shirt, you need not worry because it would not stain,” she noted.

In the previous years’ celebration of the National Science and Technology Week, the PTRI featured threads it had created.

“Last year, we highlighted the use of natural textile fiber. We showcased these fibers from banana, leaves, and coconut husk. You can create threads and add color to these materials. For this year, we will showcase what else can be added to these products,” she said.

Meanwhile, the agency has also prepared several fora slated on July 19-20 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Manila.

Elumba said PTRI has invited speakers from the community, social entrepreneurs, representatives of the local government, and an academician.

Among the topics to be discussed is circularity, or how we unknowingly contribute to the hazards in the environment.

“There is a study that when we wash clothes made of polyester, it produces 7 to 8 microplastics in one liter of water,” she said.

This, too, would be tackled during the forum, she added.

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