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Mayors who cannot solve crimes to face charges: Duterte



President Rodrigo Roa Duterte witnesses the program proper during the 25th Annual National Convention of the Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines (VMLP) held at The Bellevue Hotel Resort in Panglao Island, Bohol on June 28, 2018. RICHARD MADELO/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte witnesses the program proper during the 25th Annual National Convention of the Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines (VMLP) held at The Bellevue Hotel Resort in Panglao Island, Bohol on June 28, 2018. RICHARD MADELO/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

MANILA – President Rodrigo R. Duterte on Thursday gave an ultimatum to mayors who cannot solve crimes and illegal drugs in their respective jurisdictions.

Duterte said he has instructed Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Eduardo Año to conduct assessment on the top local government units (LGUs) leaders.

“I said those mayors who cannot control crimes and every now and then may buy-bust here and there and it numbers like 20 buy-bust operations a day, you remove them. I will put my police. You are now the mayor,” Duterte said in his speech during the 25th Annual National Convention of the Vice Mayor’s League of the Philippines (VMLP) in Panglao, Bohol.

Duterte also threatened to file cases against mayors who do not perform their mandate to provide safe community for everyone, particularly children.

“I will file a case against you. Serious neglect of duty or simple neglect, or gross ignorance of the law or oppression, or simply doing nothing,” he said.

The President said he can also order Año to recommend the dismissal of incompetent mayors and he will sign it.

“I am not satisfied by the way they have responded to the problem and I see that there has always been a rise in the municipalities throughout the Philippines to those mayors who do not want to do their duties. Nonchalant attitude,” said Duterte, a former local chief executive for 24 years of Davao City.

He called on local leaders to help him in cleansing the country of illegal drugs, criminality and graft and corruption.

The President, meanwhile, commended local leaders who work hard to address the social problems including illegal drugs, criminality and graft and corruption.

“Indeed, I cannot over-emphasize that you play a pivotal role in the administration’s task to rid the society of these ills that have made our people suffer and have long impeded our country’s development for so long,” Duterte said.

“As part of the LGUs, you are one of our front liners in bringing the government closer to the people. May you continue to be a partner in helping us attain peace, progress, and prosperity for our communities and our country,” he added.

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