Philippine Open House
What : Philippine Open House
When : May 20, 2018 |Sunday | 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm
Where : Holly Rosary Hall, 35 Queen St, South Thorold ,City of Thorold
The biggest event of the year of Filipino Canadian Association Of Niagara (FCAN) is fast approaching. Our two cultural directors (Nancy Lucena and Alice Udell) are busy preparing our volunteer dancers ( Kids,Youth,Adult and Seniors).
Besides our filipino food delicacies, this year event will be more fun and exciting as we are preparing more entertainments that will showcase our culture.
Also this year open house and other events will be tied up with our incoming (October 2018) FCAN Golden Anniversary (50 years).This milestone is credited to our early Filipino settlers (seniors) in Niagara Region.
For more information, go to: FCAN Filipino-Canadian Association of Niagara