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‘Pops’: Montreal man who founded organization to help the homeless dies



The group, called “Dans La Rue,” says Emmett Johns died overnight Saturday night. (Photo:

The group, called “Dans La Rue,” says Emmett Johns died overnight Saturday night. (Photo:

MONTREAL — A Montreal man known affectionately as “Pops” and who founded an organization that helps the homeless has died at the age of 89.

The group, called “Dans La Rue,” says Emmett Johns died overnight Saturday night.

Johns, who was born in Montreal in April 1928, wanted to be a missionary in his youth.

He was a priest for several years and served as chaplain at the Douglas Hospital, a psychiatric institution.

In 1988, he founded “Le Bon Dieu dans la rue,” which eventually became “Dans La Rue.”

He was named to the Order of Canada in 1999.

Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante took to Twitter to praise Johns.

“I am sad to hear about Pops’ death,” Plante said. “A Montreal giant… has just left us.

“My thoughts are with his family and friends and all those he helped over the years. Thanks for everything.”

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