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NDP vows to increase minimum wage to $15 dollars per hour



Approximately 94, 000 workers might benefit from a higher salary income in year 2021 as the government of British Columbia announces its plan to increase the provincial minimum salary to $15 dollars an hour.

Labor Minister Harry Bains said that in the next weeks they are forming commission on fair wages to come up on how to advance the rate without upsetting the businesses.

The labor minister said “I think what we are doing is going with a responsible, fair approach so that the businesses know that it’s predictable, it’s incremental increases going forward so they can look at their structure, their costs ahead of time and knowing fully well what their costs will be.”

However, Liberal Opposition labour critic John Martin said that “British Columbians cannot afford to roll the dice”, adding that it is a significant increase, and “If wages were to inflate too quickly and a business model can’t absorb that spike in cost over a short period of time, the person that ultimately pays for it is the customer.”

(DAILY NEWS ROUND UP FOR 08 / 16 / 17)


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