School bus crash sends 23 children, 1 adult to hospitals
LUMBERTON, Texas — Twenty-four people—23 of them fourth-graders—were sent to Southeast Texas hospitals after an accident involving their school bus, a pickup truck and an 18-wheeler.
The Wednesday afternoon crash happened on U.S. 69 in Lumberton, about 15 miles north of Beaumont, as the Beaumont school district bus was taking 44 Charlton-Pollard Elementary School students and four adults back to school from a Big Thicket field trip.
Beaumont school district spokeswoman Nakisha Burns says one student was airlifted to a trauma hospital in Houston.
A hospital spokeswoman says most of the others went to Christus St.
Elizabeth Hospital for examination. A nursing supervisor said none were admitted.
Police haven’t explained what caused the crash.