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Chinese President calls for ‘win-win cooperation’



Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered his keynote address yesterday during the APEC CEO Summit. (Photo from APEC 2015 PH)

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered his keynote address yesterday during the APEC CEO Summit.
(Photo from APEC 2015 PH)

MANILA – With the aim to attain inclusive economic growth, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for ‘win-win cooperation’ among Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member-economies. He also pushed forth peace and unity among the nations.

“We must focus on development and spare no effort to foster an environment of peace conducive to development, and never allow anything to disrupt the Asia-Pacific development process,” Jinping said in his keynote address at the APEC Leaders’ Meeting.

The Chinese President also stressed that common development can be achieved through cooperation and competition; and that conflicts may be resolved through dialogue.

“We must adhere to the concept of win-win cooperation and community of shared future, cooperating while competing and achieving common development through cooperation. We must recognize diversity in development paths, respect each other’s development path chosen in light of specific conditions, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation,” he added.

Although China has been criticized for claiming almost all of the South China Sea, Jinping noted that the Pacific Ocean was a ‘common home’ for nations.

‘Accelerate FTAAP’

For a larger free trade scope, Jinping pushed for the further realization of the China-initiated Free Trade Agreement of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) which was first proposed in 2006.

“We need to accelerate the realization of FTAAP and take regional economic integration forward… We must commit ourselves to… oppose protectionism, and promote fair competition,” he said.

The FTAAP has been seen as a potential rival of the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as the former would encompass the latter and become the largest free trade area if grasped.

The Chinese President then urged the APEC nations to continue putting ‘the Asia-Pacific economy on the right track.’

“While developed economies need to be more forthcoming about sharing best practices, developing economies should explore more boldly, increase import, and try to catch up more quickly,” he added.

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