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Putin, Widodo to skip APEC summit



Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Joko Widodo of Indonesia will not be present at the Economic Leaders’ Meeting of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) that will be held at the World Trade Center in Pasay City, Metro Manila on Nov. 17-20.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, on behalf of Pres. Putin, will be attending the summit, instead, The Russian News Agency reported.

“In this respect from the viewpoint of optimization of schedules of the top leadership of the country, the president has made a decision not to go that far together with the premier with literally 1 to 2 days’ difference,” said Dmitry Peskov, spokesman of the Kremlin, in a report by the Russian News Agency.

Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Laura del Rosario confirmed yesterday that Pres. Widodo will not attend the APEC summit.

“There are things in Jakarta that need some of his attention. He’ll be coming from G20 at Turkey and need to attend the ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur. He decided to get a period in between to go home and address some domestic concerns,” Del Rosario was quoted as saying in a report by Manila Bulletin.

Trade Minister Thomas Trikasih Lembong of Indonesia will fill for Widodo, instead, added Del Rosario.

“We are very lucky the Indonesian Minister of Trade is here,” Del Rosario said in the same report.

Whatever position Indonesia has will be reiterated by his own Foreign Minister and Trade Minister,” Del Rosario added.

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