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Duterte: I won’t run for president



Davao Mayor Rodrigo "Rody" Duterte (Photo from Shem Longakit and Davao City by Battad)

Davao Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte (Photo from Battad and Shem Longakit)

MANILA – After speculations of a possible presidential bid, Davao Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte officially announced today that he will not be joining the presidential race in next year’s national elections as he will be retiring from public service instead.

“After talking to my family and to all persons who are interested in my career as a politician, I would like to categorically state now, hindi ako tatakbo ng presidente. Wala akong ambisyon maging presidente. In 2016, I will retire [from] public life for good,” Duterte said in a press conference.

(After talking to my family and to all persons who are interested in my career as a politician, I would like to categorically state now, I will not run for president. I have no ambition to become a president. In 2016, I will retire from public life for good.)

The tough-talking mayor ranked high in presidential preferences surveys, starting rumors that this would compel him to seek higher office in the coming general elections.

In the latest Pulse Asia survey, Duterte placed third after Senator Grace Poe and Vice President Jejomar “Jojo” Binay. In the recent Social Weather Stations polls, on the other hand, he also placed fairly at the fourth spot following Poe, Binay and Interior Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II.

But after mixed signals and months of consideration, Duterte finally gave a resounding no to the country’s highest post.

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