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‘BBL will be Congress’ lasting legacy’



Photo by Robert Viñas / PCOO

Photo by Robert Viñas / PCOO

MANILA — The House of Representatives is set to continue the plenary deliberations on the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), according to Cagayan de Oro City Rep. Rufus Rodriguez said.

“We will hit the ground running once floor discussions resume,” he said.

“The BBL will be Congress’ lasting legacy in pushing the success of the Bangsamoro peace process,” he added.

“Communities in the region and in Mindanao really need this law badly because they have lived under conflict and under deprivation for so long. We in the House want to change that dire situation into an era of hope, peace and development.”

Rodriguez also said that it is “helpful” that President Aquino is pushing for the bill.

“We know that the administration is really committed to this peace process, as it is part of its agenda for reform. We in the House also want these reforms to happen and you can also see that the draft BBL is high up in Congress’ legislative agenda.”

In his State of the Nation Address (Sona), President Aquino said that the administration is “currently forging the proposal for the BBL.”

“Nobody can deny that the ARMM has been left behind in terms of development. We want to give equal opportunities to all Filipinos; this is why there is a need for a boost-up, so that our countrymen in the margins can catch up. For example, in the budget we are submitting for 2015, 5.17 billion pesos of the overall budget for DPWH has been allocated for infrastructure in ARMM.”

“We ask for the Congress’ understanding regarding this. It is important to scrutinize each provision we lay down. To the best of our ability, we aim to advance a bill that is fair, just, and acceptable to all.”

“If we are able to legislate the Bangsamoro Basic Law before the end of the year and conduct the necessary plebiscite, we will be able to give the Bangsamoro Transition Authority one and a half years to show positive change. Should this be delayed, however, the period for proving that it was right to choose the path of peace will naturally be shortened,” Aquino further said.

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