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Binay told to ‘check info before making accusations’



Vice President Jejomar 'Jojo' Binay (Facebook photo)

Vice President Jejomar ‘Jojo’ Binay (Facebook photo)

MANILA — Vice President Jejomar Binay was told on Thursday to stop making accusations against the administration without double checking his information.

“Maybe he should study his data and figures first. It is irresponsible to release any number and make accusations without sufficient study,” said Communications Secretary HerminioColoma in a press conference.

Coloma lashed back at Binay after the latter criticized the dwindling budget of the government for the health sector.

Binay said that the government gives low priority to the health sector citing the alleged declining budget allocation.

Coloma however denied these allegations and said that the Department of Health’s budget increased by more than five times from P25.3 billion in 2010 to P128.5 billion in 2016.

“The Aquino administration has governed on the basis of open, transparent and accountable government. Government funds have been used judiciously to attain the objectives of inclusive growth and poverty reduction,” he said.

“Even the international community has recognized the good governance practices of the Aquino administration that have boosted the country’s investment ratings and earned high confidence as a favored investment destination,” he added.

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