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Poe: Noy did not discuss 2016 polls



Senator Grace Poe, chairperson of the Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs, holds a copy of the Senate Committee Report on the Mamasapano Incident Investigation during a press conference on Tuesday (March 17, 2015) at the Senate Bldg. in Pasay City (PNA photo by Avito C. Dalan)

Senator Grace Poe, chairperson of the Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs, holds a copy of the Senate Committee Report on the Mamasapano Incident Investigation during a press conference on Tuesday (March 17, 2015) at the Senate Bldg. in Pasay City (PNA photo by Avito C. Dalan)

MANILA — President Aquino did not discuss the issue of choosing the candidate that he will be endorsing in the 2016 polls during his dinner with Interior Secretary Mar Roxas and Senators Grace Poe and Francis Escudero.

Poe said in a text message to the Philippine Daily Inquirer that she did not discuss the details on who among the three of them will be chosen for what position in next year’s polls.

“Those details were not discussed,” Poe said.

In a talk with reporters at Camp Crame, Aquino said that the dinner lasted for almost six hours.

“We had a long discussion. It went past midnight, that’s why we look sleepy,” he said.

When asked if he was closer to picking the administration’s standard bearer, Aquino said:

“I think the best that I can say at this point, this minute, is I am closer to that point,” he said.

“If I had my way, yesterday,” he added when asked when he would announce the candidate that he will endorse. 

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