Philippine News
19 Filipinos die each hour from cardiovascular disease
MANILA – A study conducted by the Department of Health revealed that 170,000 Filipinos die each year from cardiovascular diseases.
The figure is significantly higher than the 85,000 deaths from the same disease recorded more than 20 years ago.
The study conducted last 2009 showed that every hour, 19 lives are taken by a disease of the heart and the vascular system, a cause of death that has been among the top causes of death in the country since 1993.
This alarming rate encouraged the Philippine Heart Association (PHA) update their guidelines in the treatment and management of heart disease through the book entitled, “2014 Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Coronary Heart Disease.”
The said manual is now available on print and will soon be released as a downloadable e-book on PHA’s website.
The book has cited experts in the field including those from the American College of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology.
It aims to address problems on the limitations of heart health care in the Philippines and is penned by doctors for general practitioners, family physicians, ER doctors, nurses, internists, cardiologists and other medical personnel.
The recommendations in the book are also classified as “strongly recommended,” “recommended,” and “may be recommended” for specific treatments and modalities.
“So many times these are easily forgotten; that’s why some medical practitioners carry guidelines in their pocket. If you don’t have a guideline, that would be like not having a roadmap when traveling.
You may reach the destination, but you are unaware that there are better ways to get there. Sometimes you can even get lost—at the risk of the patient’s life,” said Dr. Joel M. Abanilla, PHA president.
“Anyone of you can have a heart attack. This is a very deadly disease. Mortality rate for a heart attack that is poorly managed is very high. This guideline is all about improving the quality of health care we have in the Philippines,” Abanilla added.