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‘Prince of Pot’ Marc Emery to return to Canada today after finishing US sentence



Leaf of a Cannabis plant. Photo from United States Fish and Wildlife Service / Wikimedia Commons.

Leaf of a Cannabis plant. Photo from United States Fish and Wildlife Service / Wikimedia Commons.

WINDSOR, Ontario — The country’s self-styled “Prince of Pot” is due to return to Canada today after finishing a U.S. sentence for selling marijuana seeds to customers across the border.

Marc Emery is set to cross into Windsor from Detroit after serving a five-year sentence, and his wife, Jodie Emery, says she will be there awaiting his arrival.

The 56-year-old Vancouver resident was extradited to Seattle in May 2010.

He then pleaded guilty to selling marijuana seeds from Canada to American customers before serving his time in several American correction facilities.

When he was first arrested almost a decade ago, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency heralded his seizure as a “significant blow” to the legalization movement.

Jodie Emery says details are still be worked out for a 30-city cross-Canada marijuana advocacy tour and a visit to Europe for several speaking engagements.

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