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Phil Younghusband: “I’m single now”



Phil Younghusband (Photo:

Phil Younghusband (Photo:

MANILA — Azkals striker Phil Younghusband expressed his disbelief at the rumors circulating in the showbiz industry linking him to this or that personality in a bid to find the newest love of his life.

Younghusband shared that it is possible for him to fall in love with another celebrity given that there are no rules in love. However, he is “shocked” at all the rumors about him.

“It’s so random… it’s crazy how some people can make things up,” he shared in that interview.

Recently, Younghusband was linked to actress Bang Garcia when he attended a fashion show of that the latter joined.

“We’re friends, we hang out with the same group of friends but I wasn’t at the fashion show just because of her. I was there to attend with friends,” Younghusband said.  “I am single now,” he reiterated.

Aside from that, he was also linked to another rumor that he allegedly fathered a child. Apparently, that was the reason why ex-girlfried Locsin broke up with him.

When asked about how he feels about his life – especially his love life – being scrutinized by the public, Younghusband said that it’s a “challenge”. He said that he neither “hates” it nor regret the things that made people interested in that particular aspect of his life.

Younghusband further shared that he does not mind all the trappings that come with fame. He does not mind stopping for picture taking or autograph signing with his fans even if it sometimes gets in the way of spending quality time with his loved ones. Younghusband consider these things as positive because it shows the support that he gets from the public.

Is he happier now given that he is single and not no longer in a high-profile relationship?

“I was happy then and I’m happy now. I don’t regret anything, I’m happy for the experience,” shared Younghusband.

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