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McCain: Trump owes apology to veterans, not to me

WASHINGTON — Sen. John McCain said Monday Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump doesn’t need to apologize to him for remarks …

Demi Moore ‘in shock’ after man drowns in her backyard pool

LOS ANGELES — Demi Moore said she is stunned and saddened by the death of a 21-year-old man Sunday in …

UN endorses Iran nuclear deal with 6 world powers

View image | gettyimages.com UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council on Monday unanimously endorsed the landmark nuclear deal between …

3-time world champ fights off shark during South Africa comp

JOHANNESBURG — Knocked off his board by an attacking shark, three-time world champion Mick Fanning punched the creature before escaping …

Protesters throw chairs at Nepal’s deputy prime minister

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Protesters demanding that Nepal be turned back into a Hindu nation scuffled with police Monday and threw …

Canadian digital hitchhiker embarking on coast to coast tour of US

BOSTON – With its thumb raised skyward and a grin on its digital face, the robotic creation of two Canadian …

Google self-driving car involved in first injury accident

LOS ANGELES – Google Inc. revealed Thursday that one of its self-driving car prototypes was involved in an injury accident …

Creamy Deviled Egg Potato Salad

This recipe is what would happen if your favourite deviled eggs hooked up with a sinfully delicious potato salad. Rich, creamy, …

Research: Polar bears can’t conserve energy during fasting

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A study of an Alaska polar bear population in summer concludes the bear’s biology will not help …

Study: Early clue to why some children may have reading woes

WASHINGTON — New research suggests it may be possible to predict which preschoolers will struggle to read – and it …

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