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US defence chief slams China as rising threat to world order

MUNICH — U.S. Defence Secretary Mark Esper on Saturday cast China as a rising threat to world order — saying …

Trump touts Turkey cease fire, even as it appears shaky

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is pushing back at criticism that his Syria withdrawal is damaging U.S. credibility, betraying Kurdish …

US delegation to seek a cease fire with Turkey and Kurds

WASHINGTON — A senior U.S. delegation faces the herculean task of pressuring Turkey to accept a cease-fire in Northern Syria, …

Trump orders Turkey sanctions; US scrambles for Syria exit

WASHINGTON — Targeting Turkey’s economy, President Donald Trump announced sanctions Monday aimed at restraining the Turks’ assault against Kurdish fighters …

US pulling out of northern Syria; full withdrawal possible

WASHINGTON — The United States appears to be heading toward a full military withdrawal from Syria amid growing chaos , …

Esper criticizes ‘impulsive’ Turk decision to invade Syria

WASHINGTON — Turkey’s invasion of Syria to attack U.S.-backed Kurdish forces was an “impulsive” move that will further destabilize the …

Trump shifts tone on Turkey in effort to halt Syria invasion

WASHINGTON — In a span of 24 hours, President Donald Trump moved from threatening to obliterate Turkey’s economy if it …

Trump sends strong, conflicting signals on Syria, Turkey

WASHINGTON — Facing unusually wide criticism, President Donald Trump sent out strong but conflicting signals on the “endless war” in …

Trump defends decision to abandon Kurdish allies in Syria

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Monday cast his decision to abandon Kurdish fighters in Syria as fulfilling a campaign …

Trump claim on stalled aid for Ukraine draws new scrutiny

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has said he withheld nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine because of corruption …

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