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Global finance officials pledge to tackle economic slowdown

WASHINGTON – Global finance officials are pledging closer co-operation in efforts to lift the world economy out its current slowdown, …

Trade panel: Boeing got unfair US tax break, hurting Airbus

GENEVA — Delivering final word in a nearly 14-year standoff, a World Trade Organization body has ruled that Boeing received an illegal …

Trade war’s wounded: Companies improvise to dodge cost hikes

WASHINGTON — In Rochester, New York, a maker of furnaces for semiconductor and solar companies is moving its research and …

Canada caught between 2 powers, feeling alone in the world

TORONTO — First U.S. President Donald Trump attacked Canada on trade. Then Saudi Arabia punished it for speaking up for …

White House adviser: Trump Xi trade talks went ‘very well’

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Face-to-face for more than two hours, President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping engaged in …

Official says basis of Canada US deal has been reached

TORONTO — The U.S. and Canada reached the basis of a free trade deal Sunday night, a senior Canadian government …

Despite Trump tweet, Ford says it won’t make hatchback in US

WASHINGTON — Ford won’t be moving production of a hatchback wagon to the United States from China — despite President …

Trump: Canada ‘will be out’ of trade deal unless it’s ‘fair’

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump warned Canada on Saturday that it “will be out” of a revised North American trade agreement unless …

US and Mexico tentatively set to replace NAFTA with new deal

WASHINGTON — Snubbing Canada, the Trump administration reached a preliminary deal Monday with Mexico to replace the North American Free …

US-China trade war elevates the risks to the global economy

WASHINGTON — The trade war that erupted Friday between the U.S. and China carries a major risk of escalation that …

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