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Cartoonist behind anti-Trump image thinks online presence played role in contract ending

It's not. It's the last cartoon I drew for Brunswick News before I got axed. This one on the other …

What’s in a name? How Canada’s national birthday as we know it came to be

Many hail July 1 as Canada Day, others may hearken back to when the nation’s birthday was labelled Dominion Day, …

Poll suggests Canadians could learn more about quirky bits of country’s history

TORONTO — A new poll suggests Canadians haven’t made much progress in expanding their knowledge of the more colourful parts …

Federal government passes Canada’s first national accessibility legislation

Disabled Canadians declared a partial victory Thursday hours after the government voted to enact Canada’s first national accessibility law, calling …

Public spaces, cinemas to air Toronto Raptors games during NBA finals

As Raptors fever burns its way across Canada, the team’s parent company said it’s trying to help fans far beyond …

Hotline to help human trafficking victims, educate public launches across Canada

A national hotline to help victims and survivors of human trafficking is now taking calls, with the organization behind the …

Men and women agree on problems in their sex lives, study suggests

New research suggests men and women are on the same wavelength when it comes to problems in their sex lives. …

Hundreds of Canadians to receive postcards detailing Second World War link

Hundreds of Canadians are about to receive proof of their personal, largely unknown links to one of the defining events …

Canadians struggle to distinguish between real and fake news: survey

TORONTO — Canadians are increasingly skeptical of the news they consume and struggle to distinguish fact from fiction or propaganda, …

Water levels begin to stabilize in Ontario, but more rain on the way

Communities across Ontario watching for or actively grappling with flood conditions reported cautious progress on Tuesday even as they braced …

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