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Top tot toys? Blocks and boxes backed over high tech toys

Skip the costly electronic games and flashy digital gizmos. Pediatricians say the best toys for tots are old-fashioned hands-on playthings …

New advice on kids’ concussions calls for better tracking

CHICAGO — New children’s concussion guidelines from the U.S. government recommend against routine X-rays and blood tests for diagnosis and …

Mom’s use of opioids in pregnancy may stunt kids’ learning

CHICAGO — Learning disabilities and other special education needs are common in children born with opioid-related symptoms from their mother’s …

Mind altering breast milk? New pot study poses that question

CHICAGO — Marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient was detected in nursing mothers’ breast milk in a small study that comes amid …

Advocates condemn psych techniques used to keep kids online

CHICAGO — Children’s advocates want the American Psychological Association to condemn the tech industry’s practice of using persuasive psychological techniques …

Fresh grounds for coffee: Study shows it may boost longevity

CHICAGO — Go ahead and have that cup of coffee, maybe even several more. New research shows it may boost …

Science Says: How family separation may affect kids’ brains

CHICAGO — Doctors have long known that separating families and other traumatic events can damage children’s well-being. More recent research …

Not just boy and girl; more teens identify as transgender

CHICAGO — Far more U.S. teens than previously thought are transgender or identify themselves using other nontraditional gender terms, with …

Deaths from window blinds show need for cord ban, study says

CHICAGO — Children’s injuries and deaths from window blinds have not stalled despite decades of safety concerns, according to a …

‘It never really leaves you.’ Opioids haunt users’ recovery

NASHVILLE— It’s hard to say whether businessman Kyle Graves hit rock bottom when he shot himself in the ankle so …

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