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Trump’s push to open economy could come at cost of lives

WASHINGTON — The contrast could hardly be more stark. Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has said that if all …

Diplomat: Trump linked Ukraine aid to demand for probe

WASHINGTON — Former U.S. Ambassador William Taylor provided lawmakers Tuesday with a vivid, detailed and what some called a “disturbing” …

Trump’s Syria announcement blindsided many GOP supporters

WASHINGTON — For once, Republicans and Democrats in Congress were in the same place: out of the loop. When it …

Trump, Ukraine reports spurred freshmen to back impeachment

WASHINGTON — The rookie Democratic lawmaker caught House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s eye as the two women brushed past each other …

Greenland fallout: Trump scolds Denmark over rejection

COPENHAGEN — Escalating an international spat, President Donald Trump said Wednesday he scrapped his trip to Denmark because the prime …

Flattery in Japan in rearview, Trump returns to DC snarls

WASHINGTON — Four days of fun and flattery in Tokyo are over for President Donald Trump. The sumo wrestling, golf …

Sen. Burr takes GOP fire over Trump Jr subpoena

WASHINGTON — Republicans lashed out Thursday at fellow GOP Sen. Richard Burr for his committee’s subpoena of President Donald Trump’s …

Trump cheers economy, criticizes Democrats at Wis. rally

GREEN BAY, Wis. – President Donald Trump cheered the thriving U.S. economy and criticized his Democratic presidential opponents Saturday night as he …

Dem leaders stress more Trump probes, downplay impeachment

WASHINGTON — A House chairman on Monday subpoenaed former White House Counsel Don McGahn as Democratic leaders moved to deepen …

Democrats want a faster release of Mueller’s Russia report

WASHINGTON — The battle over releasing the special counsel’s report intensified as Democrats in Congress insisted Attorney General William Barr …

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