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Scientists seek ways to finally take a real measure of pain

WASHINGTON — Is the pain stabbing or burning? On a scale from 1 to 10, is it a 6 or …

Gene edited food is coming, but will shoppers buy?

WASHINGTON — The next generation of biotech food is headed for the grocery aisles, and first up may be salad …

Appendix removal is linked to lower risk of Parkinson’s

WASHINGTON — Scientists have found a new clue that Parkinson’s disease may get its start not in the brain but …

Science Says: Sex and gender aren’t the same

WASHINGTON — Anatomy at birth may prompt a check in the “male” or “female” box on the birth certificate — …

Implant, intense rehab help 3 paralyzed for years take steps

WASHINGTON — Three people whose legs were paralyzed for years can stand and take steps again thanks to an electrical …

Doctors explore lifting barriers to living organ donation

WASHINGTON — Surgeons turned down Terra Goudge for the liver transplant that was her only shot at surviving a rare …

Multi gene test may find risk for heart disease and more

WASHINGTON — You know your cholesterol, your blood pressure … your heart gene score? Researchers say a new way of …

No easy answers on best heart check up for young athletes

WASHINGTON — What kind of heart check-up do young athletes need to make the team? A large study of teenage …

Ultrasound jiggles open brain barrier, a step to better care

WASHINGTON — A handful of Alzheimer’s patients signed up for a bold experiment: They let scientists beam sound waves into …

Ultrasound jiggles open brain barrier, a step to better care

WASHINGTON — A handful of Alzheimer’s patients signed up for a bold experiment: They let scientists beam sound waves into …

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