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Pinoys told to adhere to Israel’s 2-week lockdown rules

MANILA – The Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv advised Filipinos in Israel to follow the measures imposed by the government as …

Travel ban mulled on countries with transmission of new strain

MANILA – Travel restrictions would be considered as soon as a country reports community transmission of the new variant of SARS-COV-2, …

DFA lauds medical, non-medical front-liners in PH, abroad

MANILA – Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. has praised all medical and non-medical front-liners for their services …

Unicef calls for protection of kid involved in Gregorio murders

MANILA – The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) is “deeply concerned” over the welfare of the daughter of the police officer …

Public warned vs. passport assistance from FB groups, strangers

MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has warned the public against seeking passport assistance from strangers offering services on …

Pinoy arrives home after being stuck in Saudi for 6 years

MANILA – After six long years in Saudi Arabia with no inkling whether he would be able to return to the …

Pompeo to help get back ‘fraction’ of 10M vaccine doses for PH

MANILA – State Secretary Michael Pompeo will help Manila get back a “fraction” of the 10 million doses of Pfizer vaccine, Foreign …

Duque denies preference in vaccine decisions

MANILA – Health Secretary Francisco Duque III on Friday said there is no favoritism in the government’s decisions to determine …

DOH: Be on high alert amid threat of surge in Covid-19 cases

MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday called on the public to remain vigilant and on “high alert” …

Europe’s typhoon aid to PH reach P380-M

MANILA – The European Union (EU) and its member states’ total assistance to the Philippines since Typhoons Rolly and Ulysses struck …

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