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Mediocre efforts by Canadian cities to prepare for floods: Study

OTTAWA — Major Canadian cities have done a mediocre job of preparing for floods, a new study concludes. The study, …

Poilievre won’t apologize for taxpayers’ dollars spent on ‘vanity videos’

OTTAWA — Employment Minister Pierre Poilievre won’t apologize for using taxpayer dollars to produce YouTube videos of himself promoting the …

Trudeau: Hike taxes on rich, cut taxes, boost child benefits for middle class

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau is attempting to steal electoral ground from the left and the right with an economic agenda …

Trudeau courtship of labour at odds with Liberal criticism of NDP union office

OTTAWA — Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s courtship of the labour movement has hit a rocky patch. He’s facing a backlash …

Niqab debate important for Canadians, religious freedoms ambassador says

OTTAWA — Canada’s ambassador for religious freedoms says he thinks it’s important that Canadians are having a debate about the …

Trudeau says Harper government deliberately stoking prejudice against Muslims

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau is accusing the Harper government of deliberately stoking fear and prejudice against Muslim Canadians — employing …

Trudeau says Harper’s pandering to fear of Muslims unworthy of a PM

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau says Stephen Harper is pandering to fears about Muslims with his insistence that no one should …

Liberal MPP appalled by Tory defector’s plan to run for federal Grits

OTTAWA — If Eve Adams becomes the federal Liberal candidate in the Toronto riding of Eglinton-Lawrence, local MPP Mike Colle …

Tory MP Eve Adams switches to Liberals, brings backing from Harper loyalist

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau’s Liberals scored a two-fer Monday. Well-connected Toronto-area Conservative MP Eve Adams crossed the floor to sit …

Liberal leader hits back at PM’s assertion he dislikes Canadian military

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper dishonours soldiers who’ve died to preserve Canada’s democracy when he asserts that Justin Trudeau distrusts and …

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