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Trudeau, team of 30 cabinet members sworn in to kick off new Liberal era

OTTAWA – Justin Trudeau kicked off a new Liberal era Wednesday with a 30-member cabinet that features predominantly fresh faces, …

Series of international summits gives Trudeau little time to settle in as PM

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau’s fledgling government will have less than a month to get up and running before the new …

Trudeau emerges as political force in own right, out from father’s shadow

OTTAWA — It seems somehow fitting that the son of the man who first fired up political passion in Stephen …

Tories launch anti Mulcair attack ads on eve of federal election call

OTTAWA — The Conservatives are finally training their sights on NDP Leader Tom Mulcair just as Prime Minister Stephen Harper …

Election campaign set to break records for cost, length, nastiness

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper is set to launch the country Sunday into a federal election campaign that promises to rewrite …

Longer federal election campaign will cost taxpayers millions more

OTTAWA — It’s not just political parties that will be spending money hand over fist if Stephen Harper fires the …

Harper government finally launches long promised consultation on assisted dying

OTTAWA — The make-up of a new panel tasked with running consultations on doctor-assisted death is drawing the ire of …

Senate redemption lies in doing duty, defeating anti union bill: Tory senator

OTTAWA — Diane Bellemare is urging the discredited Senate to find redemption by doing its constitutional duty as the parliamentary …

Trudeau wants alternative to first past the post by next election

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau wants this fall’s national vote to be the last federal election conducted under the first-past-the-post electoral …

Mulcair, Trudeau, PM spar over NDP’s alleged improper use of taxpayers’ money

OTTAWA — Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau and Stephen Harper are duking it out over the allegedly improper use of parliamentary …

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