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Trump opens armistice visit to France with jab at Macron

PARIS — President Donald Trump is shifting his postelection focus with a weekend trip to Paris, joining an international commemoration of the …

Video of cop killer featured in new Trump campaign push

WASHINGTON — The president’s re-election campaign released a new ad Friday that borrows liberally from an expletive-filled, anti-immigration video that …

Trump pledges asylum crackdown, tent cities; is it legal?

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Thursday he plans to sign an order next week that could lead to the …

Pentagon sending 5,200 troops to border week before midterms

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said Monday it is sending 5,200 troops to the Southwest border in an extraordinary military operation …

Trump lectures media for trying ‘to score political points’

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — President Donald Trump lectured the media at length on Friday evening, accusing reporters of trying “to use …

Trump sends troops to border as response to ‘caravan’

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is planning to dispatch 800 or more active duty troops to the southern border at …

Trump vilifies caravan, says he’ll cut Central American aid

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared Monday the U.S. will begin cutting aid to three Central American countries he accused …

Mixing bravado and insults, Trump rallies delight supporters

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump gazes out over his rally crowd and lets loose a stream of insults with a …

Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh during swearing in ceremony

WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in —again, for the cameras, this time — Monday night at …

Trump celebrates Kavanaugh victory at Kansas political rally

TOPEKA, Kan. — President Donald Trump celebrated the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court at a rally in …

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