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US Iran rep says Tehran must let inspectors into nuke site

  PARIS — The U.S. special representative for Iran said Thursday the Islamic Republic must “immediately” ensure inspectors have access …

France announces 1st death of virus patient outside Asia

PARIS — France on Saturday reported the first death outside Asia of a person infected with the new virus from …

Iran gives new knock to nuclear deal but it’s not yet broken

PARIS — President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to stitch together a deal with Iran to stop the 2015 nuclear accord from …

French police suicide rate climbs, French govt is flummoxed

PARIS — Three riot police officers, a police commander, a police academy teacher — all are among eight French police …

France stresses need for Iran to respect nuclear accord

PARIS — French authorities in a meeting Tuesday with an Iranian envoy stressed the need for Tehran to quickly respect …

Macron says UN refugee agency attacked, decries Libya camps

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron called on Libyan authorities Monday to stop holding transiting refugees in detention camps and …

Macron says Bannon, Russians eroding Europe ahead of EU vote

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday accused former Trump strategist Steve Bannon and Russian oligarchs of conspiring with …

Algerian president steps down amid protests, army pressure

ALGIERS, Algeria — Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika stepped down on Tuesday after 20 years in office, and six weeks of massive nationwide …

Trump eases up on border shutdown threat

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump eased up Tuesday on his threats to shut the southern border this week as officials …

Algeria’s president: From freedom fighter to public enemy

PARIS — He fought to free Algeria from colonizer France, he reconciled his war-ravaged nation and he negotiated with a famed terrorist. …

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